Sunday, April 17, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge {Day 29 - a picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life lately}

So many options. But, because this has the word "recently," I'm going with the most recent change in my life.

Last fall we started the hunt for a new church. The church we were going to was just too big and too far from home. Tyler works a lot of Sundays and I just wasn't enjoying or going on a regular basis. I was uncomfortable going to a large church by myself. That church had about 6000 members. Journey has about 20. I found Journey doing a google search of churches in my area and realized that I thought I knew the pastor's wife through blogging. I guess I didn't know her, but I had read her blog! I emailed and asked a lot of questions and Jill was great answering every. single. one. We visited multiple churches last fall and kept being pulled back to JC. I now know why. They are a family. And now we are part of that family. I love seeing these people twice a week. I love that we are a small church. I love that SO much of our study is biblically based. I love that I have been challenged to growing closer to the Lord. But most of all, I love that I have grown closer to my husband. Don't get me wrong, we've always been close. But forcing us both to grow closer to God has made us pull closer together. I love Journey Church and they have impacted my life more than I could've ever imagined.


  1. your church sounds amazing! its always good to have a great church home!

  2. I just noticed that you have a blog, so I started reading a few of your posts. This one made me smile! I'm so glad you and Tyler are coming to Journey now!
